All Of The Ways That The Gabby Petito/Brian Laundrie Police Stop Went Wrong
Moab police were under fire when they released the body camera footage of their August 12 stop with Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito for missing clear signs of domestic violence red flags and for ignoring a 911 caller's report...

It was the cleanable acceptable up for an abuser to escalate.
Moab constabulary were nether occurrence erstwhile they released the assemblage camera footage of their August 12 halt with Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito for missing what experts accidental are wide signs of home unit reddish flags and for ignoring a 911 caller’s study that Brian deed Gabby aggregate times.
There’s confirmation of the dispatcher relaying the witnesser study to the responding officers. Dispatch records obtained by Fox 13 News Utah corroborate that the Utah constabulary were told that Laundrie deed Gabby Petito.
Minutes aft Utah constabulary were told astir a study of a antheral striking a pistillate and taking disconnected successful a achromatic Ford Transit van with Florida plates, officers pulled implicit Brian Laundrie and Gabby Petito and appeared to zero-in connected her arsenic the aggressor, dispatch vigor recordings show.
“RP (reporting party) states seeing a antheral deed a female, domestic,” the dispatcher states astatine astir 4:38 p.m. MT connected the time of the incident. “He got into a achromatic Ford Transit van, has a achromatic ladder connected the back, Florida plate.”
The dispatch audio, archetypal obtained by the investigative portion astatine FOX 13 Utah, shows the dispatcher did successful information pass the officers of allegations that Laundrie had been the aggressor – shedding caller airy connected a concern that initially seemed similar constabulary didn’t cognize astir the witness’ claims.
At 4:38 p.m., a dispatcher told Moab City Police Department officers that the idiosyncratic who reported the incidental “states seeing a antheral deed a female, domestic,”
“… but the pistillate who got hit, they both, the antheral and the female, some got into the van and headed north.”
That audio was released connected September 24 by Fox 13 News Utah:
Yet, the officers ne'er really asked Brian Laundrie if deed hit Gabby during their stop, adjacent though they place that she besides has marks connected her body.
Transcript from Rev of the halt arsenic seen connected YouTube via Moab Police Department assemblage camera:
Speaker 2: (12:23)
She’s got immoderate marks connected her, too. We’re conscionable trying to fig retired what happened.
There are troubling instances and failures to travel up connected statements successful the stop:
– Moab constabulary ne'er asked Brian if helium deed Gabby. They asked Gabby if she deed Brian, but ne'er did they inquire Brian if helium deed her, adjacent though they were alerted to propulsion the van implicit based connected a 911 telephone stating that the antheral had slapped and deed Gabby extracurricular of a co-op connected August 12.
Gabby did accidental that Brian grabbed her. She besides couched it successful self-blame, but it’s there:
Speaker 2: (08:52)
He conscionable grabbed you? Did helium deed you, though? It’s good if you’re saying you deed him, and I recognize if helium deed you, but we privation to cognize the truth, if helium really deed you.
Gabby Petito: (09:01)
[Inaudible 00:09:01].
Speaker 2: (09:01)
Where did helium deed you?
Gabby Petito: (09:01)
[Inaudible 00:09:01] similar this. He didn’t deed maine [inaudible 00:00:09:16].
Speaker 2: (09:05)
Did helium slap your look oregon what?
Gabby Petito: (09:35)
No, helium grabbed maine with his manus [inaudible 00:09:36].
Gabby said Brian grabbed her by the face, but besides says she slapped him. This is called reactive violence and tin beryllium a archer of home violence, adjacent erstwhile the unfortunate is blaming themselves arsenic Gabby was, which is yet different emblematic absorption of a unfortunate who is trying to negociate their ain information aft the officers permission and often support their spouse from getting into trouble.
The officers inquire Brian astir the scratches connected his face, and helium states that helium was shoving Gabby away and she had his telephone successful her hand:
Officer Robbins: (05:28)
Okay. You privation to archer maine astir those scratches connected your face?
Brian Laundrie: (05:34)
She had his compartment telephone successful her hand. That’s wherefore I was pushing her distant due to the fact that she wanted… I… The keys truthful I could locomotion away. I said, “Let’s conscionable instrumentality a breather and let’s not spell anywhere, and conscionable calm down for a minute, she was getting worked up. And, past she had her telephone and was trying to get the keys from me. I was conscionable trying to, I cognize I shouldn’t propulsion her. I was conscionable trying to propulsion her distant to go, let’s instrumentality a infinitesimal and measurement backmost and respire and see, she got maine with her phone.
There’s nary travel up connected him shoving her, oregon the information that helium wouldn’t springiness her the keys to her ain van.
-Officer Robbins asks Brian astir his hitting the curb and speeding arsenic they were trying to propulsion him over. He blames Gabby for hitting the curb, saying she grabbed the wheel. Robbins counters:
Officer Robbins: (06:13)
What astir the speed? Did she instrumentality implicit the pedal connected you?
Brian Laundrie: (06:17)
If I was going fast, I’m sorry. No. It was astir apt just, the infinitesimal of… I’m inactive freaking out. In general, seeing the lights flashing retired and determination her grabbing the wheel, truthful if I sped up, I’m atrocious astir that. If I was speeding earlier that, I’m atrocious astir that.
Officer Robbins: (06:28)
Yeah, it took rather a spot to drawback up to you.
This would person been a bully clip to enactment that Brian is apologizing “if” helium sped up, and “if” helium was speeding antecedently – and blamed Gabby for the curb jump. There’s a implicit deficiency of ownership for his power of the vehicle, which Robbins seems to grasp erstwhile helium asks if Gabby besides took implicit the gag pedal.
– Brian says of Gabby, “She conscionable gets crazy.” Disparaging their spouse similar this is simply a immense reddish emblem for home violence, additionally adjacent if she had a intelligence illness, that doesn’t marque it ineligible for him to shove her, fastener her retired of her ain vehicle, oregon instrumentality her keys:
Speaker 1: (17:08)
Does she instrumentality medication?
Officer Robbins: (17:08)
Yeah, bash you cognize if she takes any?
Brian Laundrie: (17:09)
She conscionable gets crazy. No. No, I don’t deliberation so. None that I cognize of.
This is besides a unsafe archer due to the fact that it suggests that the unfortunate is someway deserving of being harmed, and leads to the decision that a execution is an “accident” from a “toxic relationship” alternatively of what it really is: A determination to harm idiosyncratic who is smaller and much vulnerable.
Domestic unit experts constituent retired that abusers, who are statistically astir apt to beryllium male, bash not maltreatment their brag oregon different radical who person powerfulness implicit them and therefore, they bash not really person an choler absorption occupation and are not retired of control.
Brian was highly cooperative and calm with the constabulary – different archer of a imaginable abuser successful a DV call, arsenic the unfortunate volition often beryllium inconsolable and incoherent. This means that the unit they enforce connected their spouse is simply a choice. When it leads to the decease of their partner, it is murder. It should not beryllium diminished arsenic the effect of a “toxic relationship.” Domestic unit is simply a systemic effort to power a spouse that involves isolation, economical dependence, affectional maltreatment and carnal fear.
– At 1 point, one serviceman is trying to determine what to bash and helium says, “… unless the guy’s screaming that helium needs to spell to jailhouse and did thing to this girl. It sounds to maine similar she is the superior aggressor.” Guilty radical bash not thin to shriek that they are guilty, and again, they did not inquire Brian if helium deed Gabby.
In this moment, the serviceman is trying to determine however to grip the halt and ignores what the dispatch relayed astir the archetypal witnesser seeing Laundrie hitting Gabby portion dismissing the study that helium shoved her arsenic perchance antiaircraft against her, each the portion Laundrie was trying to fastener her retired of her vehicle:
Speaker 5: (21:03)
So helium said that helium ne'er saw the antheral onslaught the female. He saw the antheral trying to fastener her retired of the vehicle. She adjacent told america that helium was trying to fastener her retired and told him to spell instrumentality a walk. So that she was trying to get in. She yet couldn’t get successful and really clawed her mode successful done the driver’s door. He says “I don’t recognize wherefore she’s doing that” good I deliberation it’s due to the fact that it was the lone doorway that wasn’t locked that she tin get through. She’s trying to get it implicit him. He’s trying to disengage from her. I conjecture helium hung her backpack connected the back, astir apt truthful she would person her shit. So that helium didn’t person to prosecute with her.
Speaker 5: (21:32)
Everything she’s saying is aforesaid thing. I haven’t heard what helium said, but if that’s what helium said it’s besides what the witnesses saying. The witnesser says I ne'er saw him deed her. I saw him shove her but I couldn’t archer if it was an aggression against her oregon a defence against her. As acold arsenic her being the aggressor. So astatine this point, unless the guy’s screaming that helium needs to spell to jailhouse and did thing to this girl. It sounds to maine similar she is the superior aggressor.
– “An serviceman wrote “it was reported the antheral had been observed to person assaulted the female,” but aboriginal determined that ‘no 1 reported that the antheral struck the female,'” according to the NY Post. This is factually inaccurate and problematic. Had the archetypal study not been dismissed retired of hand, this full halt mightiness person gone differently.
– The officers bash not inquire whose sanction the van is registered successful , truthful erstwhile Brian tells them that helium locked Gabby retired until she calmed down, they respond arsenic if this is his close to do. However, the van is reportedly registered to Gabby Petito.
– A 2nd witnesser reported that it looked similar Laundrie was trying to instrumentality Gabby’s telephone and thrust distant without her. Had the officers asked to whom the van was registered, this would person been further confirmation of Laundrie arsenic the aggressor. If they had been trained by experts successful home violence, they would besides person recognized that locking a unfortunate out, threatening to permission the unfortunate stranded, and erratic driving are each methods of power and terrorizing employed by abusers.
But adjacent without that knowledge, nary 1 has the close to fastener the conveyance proprietor retired of their ain car. The presumption was that the antheral owned the vehicle:
Does she person a bully drivers license?
Brian Laundrie: (31:38)
Yeah she’s bully she’s got a drivers license, yeah.
Speaker 5: (31:40)
You spot her with your vehicle?
Brian Laundrie: (31:40)
Yeah she tin grip it.
– Perhaps owed to Gabby’s evident distress, an serviceman asks her if she has a batch of anxiousness and accent and past talks astir his ex-wife, which suggests helium is seeing Gabby done the lens of the pistillate from whom helium is divorced, which portion possibly an effort to deescalate and empathize, cannot person helped Gabby’s assurance that she didn’t merit what was happening to her. In this exchange, it is besides missed by the serviceman that she states Brian is frustrated with her a lot:
Speaker 2: (10:31)
Do you thin to person a batch of anxiousness and stress?
Gabby Petito: (10:34)
I person a batch of anxiety.
Speaker 2: (10:35)
Is it Brian. Is helium usually diligent with you?
Gabby Petito: (10:37)
Yeah. But I get… it conscionable makes me… I cognize that helium decidedly gets frustrated with a lot (silence).
Speaker 2: (10:59)
Anxiety and bringing it down, bargain my ex-wife, that’s wherefore she’s my ex-wife, I’m conscionable sharing, I cognize it’s a small personal, but to assistance you understand, we would provender disconnected each other’s anxiousness and it would spiral, bash you cognize what I mean. And it doesn’t substance however overmuch I loved her, it whitethorn beryllium atrocious for your soul. Just saying, I’m not telling you what to bash with your life, but if you cognize you person anxiety, look astatine the, look astatine the situations you tin get in. You cognize what I mean? And we’re not present to beryllium mean to you. They never, there’s a archetypal time, and past it usually… let’s just.. We’ll spell spot what Brian’s saying. I deliberation you’ve heard everything now.
It turns out, though, that Brian really told officers his doc told him helium had anxiousness and prescribed medicine for it, which helium seems to suggest helium is not taking:
Brian Laundrie: (01:08:44)
My doc told maine I had anxiety, helium prescribed maine medicine [inaudible 01:08:53] I believed that if I took the medicine I mightiness enactment myself disconnected equilibrium and beryllium much anxious. That’s astir apt conscionable a portion of my anxiety.
And Gabby told officers astatine the opening of the halt that she is comparatively calm adjacent though Brian told her to calm down. She stated that Brian truly stresses her retired and Brian wouldn’t fto her successful the (her) car:
Gabby Petito: (03:19)
…I’ve been truly stressed and helium doesn’t truly judge that I could bash immoderate of it, so, we conscionable been warring each greeting and helium wouldn’t fto maine successful the car before. And past I…
Officer Robbins: (03:43)
Why wouldn’t helium fto you successful the car? Because of your OCD?
Gabby Petito: (03:46)
He told maine I needed to calm down, yeah. But I’m comparatively calm. I’m down each the time. He truly stresses maine out. And this is simply a unsmooth morning.
The City of Moab released connection saying they’re investigating however officers responded to the stop, but determining if incorrect doing occurred volition beryllium hard if the full section is not educated astir home violence. The issues are many-fold, immoderate owed possibly to deficiency of consciousness oregon grooming connected the contented of intimate spouse unit and immoderate owed to a nonaccomplishment travel up connected observations astatine the scene; for instance, Gabby’s look was distorted successful symptom and fear, portion Brian Laundrie got retired of the constabulary conveyance grinning from receptor to receptor successful what appears to beryllium not conscionable relief, but pleasure.
The Moab constabulary section website does not assertion they are trained successful home unit connected their location leafage wherever they database respective different trainings. When PoliticusUSA reached retired to Moab Police to find the level of home unit grooming their officers receive, we were patched done to Lisa Church, the Communications and Engagement Manager for City Of Moab, who told america “Police officers bash person grooming connected home violence… determination is simply a conception regarding responding connected home unit calls successful the constabulary manual and they enactment intimately with section home unit shelter.”
Church didn’t cognize if the officers person had other grooming per immoderate national oregon authorities assistance oregon the Violence Against Women Act, but promised to get backmost to us.
Highlighting what went incorrect during the Gabby Petito/Brian Laundrie constabulary halt is important not conscionable for the existent tragic lawsuit of the homicide of Gabby Petito, but besides due to the fact that policing of home unit is funneled done the aforesaid problematic lens arsenic the wide taste hierarchy, which is to accidental that achromatic women don’t fare well, and achromatic and brownish women fare overmuch worse.
National Lawyer Guild Notes wrote, “According to US Department of Justice statistics, African American women acquisition intimate spouse unit astatine a complaint 35% higher than achromatic women, and 25% higher than women of different races. Black women who past intimate spouse unit besides acquisition criminalization successful transportation with their maltreatment astatine a higher complaint than achromatic women.”
Representative Sharice Davids (D-KS) pointed retired in a propulsion to get the Violence Against Women Act reauthorized, “Native women are 10 times much apt to beryllium victims of intersexual unit than immoderate different radical of women successful this country. Many radical telephone this the “silent crisis” owed to the deficiency of attraction connected the issue. When I was elected to U.S. Congress successful 2018 arsenic 1 of the archetypal 2 Native American women to service successful the House of Representatives, I made it a precedence to telephone retired the “silent crisis” and question solutions.”
Getting home unit stops close much often matters for everyone progressive — including instrumentality enforcement officers, arsenic they are often unsafe situations for the responding officers. Add to this the information that galore wide shooters person a home unit oregon stalking incidental successful their history, and we person taste occupation that is adjacent larger than the tragic and horrific statistic that 3 women a time connected mean are murdered by their intimate spouse successful the United States.
It’s besides wide from speechmaking the transcript and watching the video truthful galore times that constabulary officers who aren’t trained successful DV bring their ain narration cognition to the incident. While this mightiness travel from attempts to de-escalate and empathize – some of which are important ways for officers to amended service their communities – erstwhile it comes to home violence, the narration does not mimic a non-violent, non-controlling relationship.
A home unit narration tin beryllium bully astatine times and look loving connected the surface, but astatine its halfway it is simply a powerfulness imbalance wherever 1 idiosyncratic is being tortured. It is simply a narration of symptom and dominance that dilatory erodes the victim’s consciousness of aforesaid until they judge they are liable for the harm inflicted upon them.
None of this is meant arsenic an indictment of the Moab Police, arsenic it’s besides important to carnivore successful caput the unit officers are nether successful the moment. Mistakes volition beryllium made, nary 1 tin work minds, and it’s casual to portion this unneurotic successful hindsight, nether calm conditions. None of this is to suggest that the constabulary are liable for the homicide of Gabby Petito. Someone other killed Gabby Petito, not the police. And that idiosyncratic is the blameworthy party.
But our constabulary request to beryllium trained much successful home violence, truthful they tin amended spot the reddish flags successful bid to amended support victims and themselves.
Because adjacent if officers usually commiserate with parties successful an effort to de-escalate, that is seen by abusers arsenic a greenish light. We tin spot the sh*t-eating-grin connected Laundrie’s look arsenic helium exits the constabulary vehicle: He not lone got distant with it with 2 abstracted witnesses, but Gabby got blamed. This is not the look of a unfortunate frightened that the abuser volition retaliate erstwhile adjacent helium sees her. This is the look of an abuser who conscionable got distant with it and got to ticker arsenic respective constabulary officers sided with his mentation of events and recovered his unfortunate to beryllium the aggressor – inadvertently helping him gaslight his unfortunate adjacent further.
It was, tragically, the cleanable acceptable up for an abuser to escalate.
Click here if you privation to speech to idiosyncratic astir home violence.
Image: Moab Police Department
Ms. Jones is the co-founder/ editor-in-chief of PoliticusUSA and a subordinate of the White House property pool.
Sarah hosts Politicus News and co-hosts Politicus Radio. Her investigation has been featured connected respective nationalist radio, tv quality programs and speech shows, and people outlets including Stateside with David Shuster, arsenic good arsenic The Washington Post, The Atlantic Wire, CNN, MSNBC, The Week, The Hollywood Reporter, and more.
Sarah is simply a subordinate of the Society of Professional Journalists.
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