An Introduction to Press Release Example For Event

1 year ago 278


A press release is a short document that you can use to announce your company's latest achievements, products or services. It gives journalists a chance to write about you and your company. They use them in their publications and online news sites to give their readers more information about what you have done and why it matters.

In this guide we'll show you how to get started with writing effective press release sample for your business. You will learn:

  • What a press release looks like;

  • How long it should be;

  • The key factors behind a good headline;

  • How much copywriting should go into each section of the body text of your press release?

In this press release example, we are introducing you to a new advertising campaign for a New York City-based company.

In this press release example, we are introducing you to a new advertising campaign for a New York City-based company.

The company has been in business since the mid-1960s and has been offering high quality services at reasonable prices. The owner of the company is looking forward to launching his latest product line at one of the most prestigious hotel chains in town. He believes that his products will appeal to both business travelers as well as leisure travelers who are visiting New York City on vacation or on business trips.

News about your company’s achievements or product launches is important, but the media is more inclined to pick up features or stories.

News about your company’s achievements or product launches is important, but the media is more inclined to pick up features or stories. Features and stories are more interesting than news. They are also more likely to be picked up by the media.

A press release that is longer than two sides of A4 and is obviously an advertorial in disguise will end up in the bin – and damage your relationship with the journalist.

  • Length: A media release example that is longer than two sides of A4 and is obviously an advertorial in disguise will end up in the bin – and damage your relationship with the journalist.

  • Content: You should always include a brief bio, contact details (e-mail address, phone number) and affiliation details on your website if you have one (or link to it). This information can be found on every business card or letterhead you have collected over time.

A press release also gives you valuable space to describe your new brand or latest advances in greater detail.

A sample press release template also gives you valuable space to describe your new brand or latest advances in greater detail. While this may not be necessary for every event, it can be a good idea if you want to promote your business and build awareness of what you do.

The body of a press release should feature at least one quote from an executive at the company and should also include links to your website or other appropriate materials (e.g., PDFs of research reports, executive bios, fact sheets).

The body of a press release example for new product should feature at least one quote from an executive at the company and should also include links to your website or other appropriate materials (e.g., PDFs of research reports, executive bios, fact sheets).

The body includes:

  • The opening sentence that identifies who is quoted in the release (e.g., “John Smith said …”).

  • A bulleted list with three points about what was said (e.g., “John Smith said…”).

  • A bulleted list with three points about what was said followed by another bulleted list with four points about how it relates to this industry or market space (e.g., “We have an innovative approach that allows us [to] deliver [measurable] results faster than our competitors. This gives us an edge over them when it comes time for market share gains or brand loyalty awards!”).

For more information on writing effective press releases, check out our guide How to write a press release for your business here.

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In this event press release template, we are introducing you to a new advertising campaign for a New York City-based company. The campaign will start on Monday of next week and run through the month of October. It is an exciting time in our industry and we hope that these promotions will get people excited about the products available at our store!

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