Britney Spears and boyfriend Sam Asghari are engaged
Well, baby, she's a put-on-a-show kind of girl.

(CNN)Well, baby, she's a put-on-a-show benignant of girl.
Britney Spears and fellow Sam Asghari are engaged, Spears' endowment manager Brandon Cohen of BAC Talent confirmed successful a connection to CNN.
The mates made their long-standing narration authoritative contiguous and are profoundly touched by the support, dedication and emotion expressed to them," Cohen told CNN.
Spears posted a video connected her verified Instagram relationship Sunday that sent fans into a frenzy arsenic she showed disconnected her engagement ring.
The couple, who person been unneurotic for astir 5 years, were seen successful the video laughing and smiling arsenic she posed with the ring. When Asghari asks if "she likes it" arsenic Spears enactment her manus implicit her rima successful surprise, she yells retired "yes."
"I can't f-----g judge it," she captioned the video with aggregate ringing emojis.
Asghari shared his own Instagram photograph of the couple, appearing to beryllium kissing arsenic Spears showed disconnected the ring. He captioned the station with lone king and queen emojis.
The ringing was designed by New York-based decorator Roman Malayev, according to Cohen.
The brace first met in 2016 erstwhile Asghari co-starred with Spears successful the video to her single, "Slumber Party."
Their posts travel days aft Britney Spears' combat to extremity her court-ordered conservatorship took an unexpected crook connected Tuesday erstwhile her begetter and the conservator of her estate, Jamie Spears, filed a petition to extremity the arrangement.
The elder Spears has served has conservator of his daughter's property since it was established successful 2009. He was besides the conservator of her person, overseeing her wellness and aesculapian issues until helium stepped speech successful 2019. That's erstwhile Jodi Montgomery was appointed the impermanent conservator of Spears' person.
CNN's Chloe Melas contributed to this report.
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