Germany’s new coalition government may boost climate change action
Against a backdrop of climate change protests across German cities, the centre-left Social Democratic party narrowly won the election and now plans to create a coalition to tackle climate change

By Adam Vaughan
Demonstrators astatine a protestation for clime justness successful Berlin connected 24 September Florian Gaertner/Photothek via Getty Images
A caller German authorities is expected to beryllium acold much ambitious connected clime change, with other enactment for renewables and enactment against fossil fuels. But the 3 parties hoping to signifier a conjugation indispensable archetypal compromise connected antithetic visions of however to bash that, which could instrumentality months.
Against a backdrop of clime alteration protests crossed German cities connected 24 September, the centre-left Social Democratic enactment (SPD) won 25.7 per cent of the ballot connected 26 September, narrowly beating …
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