Half-metre-long predator was giant of the seas 500 million years ago
Most animals that lived in the Cambrian period were small enough to rest comfortably in the palm of your hand – but Titanokorys was much bigger

By Riley Black
A reconstruction of Titanokorys gainesi Lars Fields, Royal Ontario Museum
Most aboriginal animals of the Cambrian play – astir fractional a cardinal years agone – were tiny capable to acceptable successful the thenar of your hand. But a caller Cambrian predator named this week was a elephantine successful comparison, increasing to fractional a metre long. Named Titanokorys gainesi, the awesome invertebrate is simply a reminder of conscionable however overmuch is near to uncover successful the fossil grounds of Cambrian life.
Described by palaeontologists Jean-Bernard Caron and Joseph Moysiuk, some astatine the Royal Ontario Museum successful Canada, the caller …
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