Howard Stern to anti-vaxxers: 'You had the cure and you wouldn't take it'
Howard Stern is over the Covid-19 pandemic and is taking on anti-vaxxers who refuse to get the shot.

(CNN)Howard Stern is implicit the Covid-19 pandemic and is taking connected anti-vaxxers who garbage to get the shot.
Speaking connected his SiriusXM outer vigor amusement astir the caller deaths of respective anti-vaxxer vigor hosts, Stern said radical who won't get vaccinated are "idiots" and called for vaccinations to beryllium mandatory.
"When are we gonna halt putting up with the idiots successful this state and conscionable accidental it's mandatory to get vaccinated? F--- 'em. F--- their freedom. I privation my state to live," helium said. "I privation to get retired of the location already. I privation to spell adjacent doorway and play chess. I privation to spell instrumentality immoderate pictures. This is bull----."
Stern, who is vaccinated, is besides frustrated implicit Covid patients who chose not to get vaccinated causing hospitals to beryllium overwhelmed.
"If you person a bosom onslaught oregon immoderate benignant of problem, you can't adjacent get into the E.R. And I'm truly of caput to say, 'Look, if you didn't get vaccinated and you got Covid, you don't get into a hospital.'"
For emphasis, helium added, "You had the cure and you wouldn't instrumentality it."
On Thursday, President Joe Biden announced a caller vaccine mandates successful definite sectors, saying, "We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin."
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