PR Newswire: Things We All Appreciate

1 year ago 300

Things We All Hate About PR Newswire

Are you interested in PR, but hate the PR Newswire If so, I've got some bad news: You're not alone. We all hate it. But why? It's because PR Newswire isn't what it used to be, and people who still use it (like me) find themselves constantly frustrated by its many shortcomings. Here's a list of seven things that drive us crazy about this marketing tool (and why).

You will get emails from PR Newswire every day, whether you want to or not. It's hard to keep track of them all and they're usually the same thing: "We just sent out this press release."

The reason why these less-than-inspiring emails are sent out is that there's no need for anyone to read your email unless it's something important (which it won't be).

The fact that you have to pay for it

  • The fact that you have to pay for it.
  • Whether you use it or not.
  • Whether you get value out of it or not (and the answer is probably "no").
  • And, most importantly: Whether you like it or not!

Being pitched every day by people who don't understand the media

PR people who don't understand the media

This is a big one. It's not just that these people pitch you, it's also that they don't understand how to pitch to journalists or how to find good stories for your clients. They pitch because they have been told by their boss/agency owner/colleague that they should pitch every day, which makes them think it's a good idea and means they can get paid more money if they do so. Unfortunately, this belief is wrong—most reporters won't accept unsolicited pitches from anyone; even if you're lucky enough to get through with one (and even then), most reporters will ask questions about why someone would be contacting them with such an offer before accepting any kind of payment from the said person!

The fact that you have to call someone every time you have a question about your account.

The fact that you have to call someone every time you have a question about your account.

The News wire services website is great for searching data, but it's not very helpful in answering questions about how to do something specific like create a press release or publish an article on their site. If you want answers, the best place to look is at their FAQ page or blog posts.

Every journalist gets pitches by news wire services and hates them, even if they use them.

Every journalist gets pitches by news wire services and hates them, even if they use them.

It's not an uncommon sentiment. In fact, it's almost universal among journalists. Most of us have been on the receiving end of a pitch from a Ein Presswire agency or company looking to get their product in front of our audience—and we hate it!

Why? Because we have to pay for it (for a story) or call someone every time we have a question about our account (like when an editor asks why we're still using the service).


I hope this article helps you understand why the media is so hostile to cision newswire, why they don't like their paywall (because its not a true paywall), and why they think they don't need people who work in communications to help them. The truth is that every journalist gets pitched by news wire services and hates them, even if they use them. They hate the fact that all their communication has to go through an email account, which means they have to follow up on every single email with a phone call. They hate having to pay for something that should be free because it comes from someone else's pocket."

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