South Sudan ‘determined to never go back to war’
South Sudan is “ready to turn a new page” towards greater peace, development and prosperity, Vice-President Rebecca Nyandeng de Mabior said in her speech in the UN General Assembly on Friday.

A decennary aft gaining independency from Sudan, the state remains “on a way of nation-building” and is moving to instrumentality a 2018 revitalized bid woody which led to the enactment of a unity authorities past year.
“I privation to guarantee our friends and partners that we are determined to ne'er spell backmost to war,” said Ms. De Mabior.
“We indispensable regenerate the demolition of warfare with the productive usage of our immense earthy resources and nationalist assets for the bully of our people.”
Prioritize nation-building
The Vice-President recalled that erstwhile South Sudan became independent, the planetary assemblage pledged to physique capableness successful nation-building, establishing a UN ngo successful the country, UNMISS, to enactment this process.
“However, aft the outbreak of the war, that imaginativeness was abandoned, and precedence was placed connected protecting civilians and providing humanitarian assistance. As a result, enactment for capableness gathering of the State was terminated,” she said.
Ms. De Mabior stressed that supporting a State’s quality to govern responsibly and efficaciously is essential. It is besides indispensable to defender against what she called “the unintended consequences of dependency connected humanitarian assistance.”
Given improvements successful bid and security, she said it was present clip to modulation from exigency towards sustainable development.
“It is simply a achy and shameful concern for a state endowed with immense fertile onshore to beryllium regarded arsenic poor,” she added.
“We indispensable guarantee bid and information successful the state and treble our efforts to enactment our radical who privation to return, and are returning, to their areas of origin, for them to enactment afloat successful nation-building and lend to gathering nutrient information successful the country.”
Support younker and women
South Sudan is besides “a youthful country”, and the Vice-President called for continued efforts to make the skills of its younker and women “to supply an alternate to picking up the weapon again and engaging successful destructive behavior.”
Encouraging developments person included associated efforts by the nationalist information forces and their UNMISS counterparts to beforehand agrarian bid and security, portion the Government is acceptable to unveil a nationalist younker work programme.
“To fulfill the imaginativeness of our liberation struggle, we indispensable usage our lipid revenues to substance economical maturation done concern successful agriculture,” she said.
“We volition put successful infrastructure to link our agrarian communities to the markets. We request the nationalist and backstage sectors, including overseas investors, to articulation hands successful turning South Sudan's imaginable wealthiness into a reality.”
Glass ‘half-empty’
Ms. De Mabior reported advancement successful implementing aspects of the Revitalized Peace Agreement, peculiarly successful the instauration of authorities and nationalist bodies and nationalist fiscal absorption reforms
However, “the solid remains half-empty” successful implementing a imperishable ceasefire and transitional information arrangements, she said, noting the urgency for a unified army.
“The information assemblage betterment is the astir challenging portion of the Agreement arsenic it contains elements astatine the halfway of the convulsive conflicts successful the country,” she said, calling for continued dialogue.
“Building sustainable bid requires inclusivity, corporate investment, determination, diligence, and patience.”
Meanwhile, relations with Sudan person besides improved, though outstanding issues stay implicit the oil-rich Abyei borderline area.
Ms. De Mabior stressed her state is determined to larn from the past.
“We indispensable marque the Revitalized Peace Agreement succeed, and we tin lone bash that with the enactment of our determination and planetary partners. Simply stated, South Sudan desires and is acceptable to crook a caller page,” she said.
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