The ozone hole over the South Pole is now bigger than Antarctica
Each year between August and October, the ozone over the South Pole is depleted – this year the hole is larger than 75 per cent of the holes that had formed by this point in the season since 1979

A representation of the ozone spread implicit the South Pole connected September 15 2021 Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service/ECMWF
The spread successful the ozone furniture that forms annually implicit the South Pole has grown larger than Antarctica successful the past week.
Each twelvemonth betwixt August and October – during the Southern Hemisphere’s outpouring play – the ozone depletes implicit the Antarctic region, with the spread reaching a maximum size betwixt mid-September and mid-October.
This year’s spread is present larger than 75 per cent of erstwhile ozone holes astatine this constituent successful the play since 1979, though it is unclear wherefore it has grown much than usual.
In 2020, the ozone spread reached a highest of astir 24 cardinal quadrate kilometres astatine the commencement of October, which was comparatively larger than the preceding years. At the opening of this year’s season, the ozone spread started retired processing successful a mode that suggested it would beryllium astir the aforesaid size, but it has grown considerably bigger implicit the past week.
This alteration is being intimately monitored by the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) done machine modelling and outer observations.
“As acold arsenic we tin spot it’s nary longer increasing precise fast, but we could inactive spot immoderate increases successful the opening of October,” says Vincent-Henri Peuch astatine CAMS.
The ozone furniture provides america with extortion from the sun’s harmful UV rays. The usage of synthetic compounds, specified arsenic chlorofluorocarbons, implicit the past period has contributed to these holes, arsenic they tin scope the stratosphere wherever they interruption down and merchandise chlorine atoms that destruct ozone molecules.
Signs of betterment person been observed since these synthetic compounds person been banned, but recovery of the ozone layer is inactive slow.
“It’s not due to the fact that 1 twelvemonth is ace large oregon ace tiny that the process of the ozone spread betterment is needfully successful danger,” says Peuch. “There is large variability from twelvemonth to year, and successful bid to measure the process of the betterment of the ozone layer, 1 has to look astatine respective years to spot the difference.”
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